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Humorous Referrence


One day in May Juche 103 (2014), the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un looked around the construction site of an apartment house which was going up splendidly on the bank of the Taedong River.

Marvelling at the apartment structure which looked like a sailing boat on the river, he said that he was pleased to think teachers and researchers of Kim Chaek University of Technology would be provided with an apartment house which was on a high level of formative art of architecture.    

In fact, the apartment house was associated with his warm care for the teachers and researchers of the university, as well as other building projects.

He had given detailed instructions regarding its external and internal layouts, and even samples of materials to be used, and yet he was now appreciating the effort of designers and building officials. 

Hearing his words, the officials felt grateful for his appreciation.

Walking to another apartment block, accompanied by the officials, Kim Jong Un said: Expecting success in research without providing a proper living condition to the teachers and researchers is similar to wishing to have a chicken from a boiled egg.

It was quite a meaningful remark. It was a humorous reference to the wrong view of some officials who were paying lip service to the importance of science and technology while paying little attention to it.

The officials, implanting his words in their minds, looked at the beautiful figure of the apartment house for the teachers again.