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Boundless Care


On November 30, Juche 107 (2018) the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un looked round freezing storehouses at the January 8 Fishery Station.

It was when he stood at a codfish on display at freezing storehouse No.3 after passing freezing storehouses Nos. 1 and 2 which were all filled with fish.

An official of the station told Kim Jong Un: Codfish are usually caught in January, but they have been caught in large numbers recently.

Kim Jong Un wore a smile and, looking at the plate with Mackerels written on it, asked about the amount of mackerels caught that year.

Listening to the reply from the station official, the officials present on the occasion were surprised at the amount, which was enormous.

Now Kim Jong Un said that the mackerels should also be supplied to orphans.

Just as parents would give the best things available to their children, so he showed such a warm care for the orphaned children.