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The DPRK System of Nursing and Upbringing of Children


President Kim Il Sung said:

“In our country the children are educated and brought up at state and public expense, with the result that all the children are equally entitled to all state and social benefits, irrespective of their parents’ occupations and the quantity and quality of their labour.”

The DPRK’s system of bringing up and educating children makes it possible to raise and educate the children collectively in modern surroundings so that they can grow up as masters of society and reliable reserve builders of a powerful socialist nation.

Thanks to the system the children in the DPRK are put to social and collective nursing and education under the care of the Party and state.

Under the wise leadership and warm care of President Kim Il Sung, Chairman Kim Jong Il and the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, nurseries and kindergartens equipped with modern facilities have been built all across the country, and their management has improved systematically.

Thus a most advanced system has been established in the country to nurse and bring up all children of pre-school ages collectively in them.

The system ensures that the state and society bear all the expenses for rearing children.

Modern nurseries and kindergartens furnished with good nursing and educational facilities and sports and playing equipment are set up by the state budget, state organs and social and cooperative organizations wherever they are needed.

When new residential districts or factories or enterprises are built, it is one of the essential principles to make nurseries and kindergartens as an important component.